Thursday, February 21, 2013

{Fulfilling a NY Resolution} Balik-Alindog Project

Part of my 2013 NY's resolution is to go back to being fit. Not that I was really fit and fab pre-pregnancy but I feel like I need to get back to that old skinny-no-bulging-tummy body. I never really had a tummy problem back then. It was flat the way I liked it even if I eat gazillion cups of rice. Oh yes, carbo-loading is my hobby. I used to fool myself that it's magic how my tummy never really get's big no matter how big my appetite is. But of course, not until motherhood struck me, I bid farewell to that awesomeness nine months after.

By the start of the year, I've been imagining myself exercising. Crunches. Dumbbells. Sweating. Jogging around the village. Things like that. Problem is: it remained an illusion. Not even close to reality. It seemed like my brain was the only one doing the exercising. I know I need to find a motivation to work this out. I do actually want to start my own physical routine but it has been almost two years since I last worked out in a gym and I've totally forgotten the routine my trainer taught me. So the first question I asked myself is: Where do I begin?

For a kickoff, I searched for effective workout videos on Youtube. Since I'm restarting, I looked for an easy set of exercises that would aim on the parts that I want to tone. I saved the links in my desktop so I could just copy + paste it on the address bar on my workout day. The husband's set of dumbbells and exercise ball were a good help too. I don't really have to hit the gym to start being fit.

Would you believe that even a mom like me had conflict with my schedule? I know you think that I have all the time in my hands since I'm just a SAHM but apparently, I don't. A lot of people look at SAHMs that way. But when you're a SAHM, it's as good as getting employed too. You get your hands full too, only that: you don't get financially compensated. Since I have a growing baby boy who loves to explore around the house and likes getting his hands on just about anything he sees, I don't get to do things in my own time. I have to get him to sleep to be able to grab some time for myself. So to be able to push into my schedule some workout time, I send him to a morning after-bath nap first before getting in my trainers. If he frets, I move my workout time in the afternoon during his nap. 

And yes, even if I only workout in the house, particularly in our bedroom while the boss is snoring, I still sport a gym getup. It adds a dose of seriousness and motivation while I'm at it. I don't think I'll ever get myself doing crunches in my pajamas and bedroom slippers. Since I associate exercising with my trainer kicks, sock-less or not, I wear my rubber shoes to get the feel of it and it psyches me.

Discipline is really the key. Seeing the bed while working out is tempting and whenever I feel like lying down after one set, I turn my back from it. And since I have a very limited time, I make most out of it. Also, part of my mindset is that I won't get to open the laptop or watch TV unless I'm done working out. Self-punishment/Reward system also helps. For example, there's a new episode already of the series that I'm watching. I told myself that I would only get to see it if after I workout. That's enough to keep me moving. Hello? We're talking Damon Salvatore here!

At the end of each workout, I'm totally happy realizing that I did something for myself even if I'm just at home. It kinda gives a boost in my self-esteem  department. I feel more inspired to do my usual stuff for the rest of the day. Truly, I could say that working out offers a punch of happy hormones and I don't think I'll ever stop giving myself a kick of those in the near future.

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