Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hello there!


Surprise! That's what the two lines on the pregnancy kit told me the first time I learned I was pregnant. At first, it wasn't actually easy accepting the fact that I'm on my way to being a mom. Maybe because in the Philippine society, getting pregnant outside marriage is surely a family issue, you know, the how-do-you-tell-your-parents stuff is like seeing yourself in a drama TV series where your dad yells at you and disowns you, mom slaps you, drags you out of the house with all your things while you cry pleading them to forgive you. Luckily, that didn't happen to me. I'm proud to say I've got understanding and supportive parents and I have an ex-boyfriend-now-husband who's very supportive and loving as well. He has a pair of cool parents too. 

But anyways, I'd like to welcome you to my blog. Allow me to share with you my experience being a young wife and a newbie mom.  Don't worry because this would be more than a journal of my life but an informative tool for other moms too (or atleast I'd try). Hehe. 

Being a mom is not easy, I've learned that the moment I conceived Inno. There are a lot of things to learn and a lot of sacrificing to do. Sleepless nights, the uncomfortable leaking milk and letting down, changing diapers and doing the laundry. If you are one of those moms who have the same experience or even worse, then let me tell you that you are not alone.

Allow me to help you keep cool with being a young mommy who still knows how to enjoy life in every possible way. 

Enjoy and feel free to comment and share your thoughts as well.

Happy reading! 


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