Thursday, November 15, 2012

Why I Shifted to a New Pedia

Inno celebrated his eight month last Monday. And as per routine, we had his monthly checkup yesterday too... with his new pedia. Yes. Finally, we are under a new pediatrician. I have to admit that I really waited long for this shift. And I'm very much glad that we did. It was just the first meeting but I already had a lot of comparisons between the new one and the previous one. And I'm not just talking about small comparisons, I'm talking about those that actually matter to a mom like me. 

First, I'm happy to know that our new pedia is a breastfeeding advocate. Yes, that very much matter to me. Unlike the previous one, she encouraged me to breastfeed more and  told me that I could already drop the formula can. That's good news to my pump and husband's pocket. It's a great feeling when someone professional supports you in your advocacy. She actually breastfed her baby too while she can so I guess that's the reason why she's in full support of breastfeeding mommies like me. 

The second thing I like about her is that she measures everything -- as in everything necessary. From the seven months that I spent with our previous pedia, I've waited in agony for her to measure Inno's head circumference, height and ask about his milestones. That never actually happened because in reality, I was the one who's spoon-feeding her things that I think she should be asking me. She was never interested knowing if Inno could sit without support or if he's trying to stand up on his own. Never. All she did during check-ups was to measure the weight and give Inno his due vaccines. That's it.With our new one, she asked about all the things that Inno could do already, and after which, assured me that I have nothing to worry about with Inno because he is in the right track. 

One more thing is she even plotted Inno's developments in a growth chart. What more can I ask for? Per month, I have a concrete chart to look at to check how my child is doing, not just something that I could imagine and track mentally. So far, according to Inno's chart, his weight is average the weight of eight month old babies. He may not gained a pound but she assured me that it's normal for breastfed babies because they usually absorb the nutrients. So, it's no cause for alarm. His height however is a little way beyond his age. He is taller than the average eight-month old baby boy. Wow. I think I'm breeding a future basketball player. Kali was actually happy when I told him about it. 

I am very much happy that we finally changed our pedia for this incident. Last month, Inno's previous pedia told us that he is due for a Rotavirus vaccine on his next check-up. Rotavirus is actually an oral vaccine which protects babies from diarrhea leading to dehydration. I mentioned to our new pedia that Inno is due for a rotavirus vaccine this month and she was somehow alarmed when she learned that Inno wasn't given the vaccine yet at his age. Then she explained that the oral vaccine is usually given during baby's second month and cannot be given once baby reaches his eight month because according to studies, babies who are given the vaccine at eight months (or more), might encounter negative effects from the said vaccine. She also told me that although she never really had heard of any instances where a baby suffered from the bad side effects from the said cause, she doesn't want to try it with Inno and risk his health and she just encouraged me more to continue breastfeeding as breastmilk contains antibodies that fight against rotavirus.

If you could only imagine my wrath after learning about this. I am really never going back to that pediatrician ever. Imagine if she gave Inno the rotavirus vaccine and something happend to him? I could kill her! As a pediatrician, it's impossible that she don't know when the vaccines are due, right? I don't know why she still scheduled Inno to have it with the knowledge that it's been long overdue and Inno can't have it anymore at his age. 

So, to all the mommies who are still having their little ones checked once in a while, please know your pediatrician well. Read a lot of resources on how to spot the right doctor for your baby. Once you feel uncomfortable or your clinic visits become 'lugi', shift to a new one. There are a lot of good doctors there who'll make your money and time worth-spending and support your advocacies on child-rearing as well. 

How about you? Do you love your pediatrician? 


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