Friday, June 8, 2012

Still Professionally Jobless.

A few months ago, I was on a waiting game with Inno. If you read my other blog, you probably have imagined how impatient I have become during the last stage of my pregnancy. Inno not coming out that time was already getting on my nerves and since Kali had started his job then, I was left by myself at UP Bliss most of the time so I can't actually do more walking in as much as I wanted to. 

Now, I'm again on a waiting game but not about Inno this time. For the past few weeks, I have been trying to land on a job. I've been submitting applications to jobs that interests me while being practical at the same time. By practical, I mean, office hours and time for my family on weekends. So far, according to my JobStreet record, I have actually applied to ten jobs already and as of this late, I have only gained one feedback from a job that sure is practical because it's home-based but with less growth. I am still thinking if I should submit my interview form already so I could have my final interview or wait for further feedbacks of the other jobs that I applied to. I know. I know. I definitely should set a deadline. By the end of this month, if I don't get a good job just yet, I'm accepting that home-based job while I try to convince Kali to send me to a fashion school for a short course on Basic Sewing and fashion styling. The thought of asking Kali about it actually scares me. What if he says no? I don't know. Good luck to me. :|


June has been running smoothly for us. I'm excited for Inno's fourth month. Time really flies. There's just so many new things that he could do already. He's been babbling and "talking" a lot. He could already hold his head up without us having to support his neck and his vision has improved as well. He could already recognize me from afar. He has developed a daily schedule as well and would go fussy if we don't meet his sleeping routine. 

I hope things will continue to go well for us and I pray that impatience won't set in again. I wanted to work already (weh???!!!) or rather, I wanted to do something already. :| I know you might say I have the toughest job already and that is being a mom to Inno. But hello, practically speaking, I should start helping Kali in making moolah for Inno's future. Beside, I miss having my own money too. :| 

Oh, Universe. Please be good to me. 


  1. Hang on there. It'll come and it's gonna be worth the wait. :)

    If you have time, please check out my site and follow me on GFC. :) TY

    1. Thank you for the encouragement! :) I know I should be thankful for all the time that I have for Inno for being jobless, but when reality strikes, I know I have to do something for his future too. :) Saw your blog na. :)


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